Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Through the looking glass of my lens

Phew…So here we go, my first ever “Blog” (where did this word come from anyway?) posting…here it begins…my online photo blog.

This blog is for you…. my couples, individuals, families & children (I refuse to use the word customer as everyone I work with becomes a friend)…and for anyone else who would like to follow my life & photographic adventures. This blog is also for me…a constant reminder that my art is a journey…and to always strive to grow and learn. Here I will document all of the stories, moments, and shenanigans as well as all of the absolutely wonderful people that I have the privilege & honor to work with along the way.

As I sit looking at the blinking cursor on my screen with my trusty Nikon sitting in the faint distance I can’t help but think about how much I have already accomplished but yet still have so much to gain. It surely will be a never ending story – a constant journey down the rabbit hole - through the looking glass of my lens. Want to come?

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